The audio space for onchain media is a bit more robust with many choices depending on what you are after.


For podcasts specifically there are currently two ways that feel the most native. The first one being Pods.Media


The second being Zora.

You've been invited to create on Zora by gramajo.eth

Each one provides a 1 to 1 feature set and capability to web2 providers.


Community audio only spaces have taken off since Twitter and others have introduced similar voice chat rooms. Currently this space is heating 🔥 up in web3.

One of the older ones in the web3 space is Aburra


A newcomer in the space is Farhouse, which supports tipping and other native web3 features

Join the FarHouse beta

Lastly, there is which also supports some native web3 features



As mentioned in other types, for a long time you have been able to upload MP3 files into marketplaces and sell your music that way. One thing that method lacks is discoverability and overall user experiece.